Incorporated in 2000, TechCreations Co. Ltd. is a trustworthy IT solutions provider with business focus in providing quality IT solutions that help customers to meet the prevailing performance and security standards and to succeed in the Internet era. With our expertise in digital media, enterprise application integration, network and system infrastructure, e-learning and security, we create enterprise level solutions and we re-engineer existing network systems.
Our consulting services are provided with the brightest technical expertise in the industry. These highly skilled experts have not only technical skills, but also understanding of your business and industry to help you make the most out of your IT investment. Specializing in real life IT solutions, TechCreations offers a full range of IT systems for advanced technology requirements: e-commerce, enterprise application planning, distributed network architecture, computing, and more.
TechCreations places high value on people. In fact, we believe that the most valuable company assets are human capital and its interactions. Our team is a global and dynamic team of business and technology professionals. Our people worked for global companies and higher education institutions in the past including Microsoft, Cathay Pacific, Fujitsu, Level 3 Communications, Hong Kong Domain Name Registration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong.
We Serve
Banking and Finance
A currency issuing bank, F5 products were supplied to serve as full proxy and load balancers for application servers. Besides, BlueCoat equipment was also provided.
A leading local Bank, we provided a tailor-made F5 solution for load balancing, automatic fail over and redundancy of internet uplink between customer's HQ and branch office. SSL acceleration is also provided to the bank's Internet Banking traffic.

Public Sector
A Department of Hong Kong Government wanted to implement a search engine for contents hold in the public web sites of their department as well as its subsidiaries. Tornado IRMS was chosen for solution. We soon extended service to new requirements to index other type of content including information for events held in various venues, balloting results for facilities booking, tender notice, together with new web servers for its subsidiaries.
An independent organization funded by Hong Kong Government, we helped launching search engine for its web site which house all the information including meeting agenda and minutes. Tornado Search engine being run on customer's web server, an Indexer installed on separate server responsible for indexing contents in various format on a daily basis.
A public body from the travel industry, a one-stop solution was provided to customer for their internet web-site's setup, from front end display design to backend database server install. CMS (Content Management System) was also supplied to manage customer's portal content, which includes publications, notice, regulatory announcements as well as an employment matching platform for the industry.
Hong Kong's first international school, Customer has some old stand-alone Wi-Fi access points in their campus and would like to expand and enhance their existing wireless network. Aruba system was deployed and incorporated with the school's backend authentication system to provide basic access security. In 2008 summer, the school decided to fully replace their legacy wireless network access points and also provide full coverage for all students with one-to-one user capacity. As a result, more Aruba APs were deployed.
A renowned International School, established in 1983 as Hong Kong's first school teaching an international curriculum in English and Chinese (Mandarin). Customer's initial (Phase 1) objective was to set up Wi-Fi network in remote and some selected area of their campus, like the Admin block and library. Aruba wireless system was deployed during school summer holidays in 2008.
With the excellent result achieved, soon the school decided to roll out full Wi-Fi coverage for their whole campus including all class-rooms (Phase 2) in 2009 summer. To provide enough bandwidth for all students, more Aruba APs as well as Controllers were deployed.
A UGC-funded tertiary institute, largest locally in terms of number of students. The institute deployed Tornado IRMS search engine for their web portal and intranet content. A specific composer has been tailor-made for using of HTTPS to communicate with their Novell database. Different filename encoding also implemented to suit customer's different type of file servers.
One of the top Universities in Hong Kong, we provided enhancement to the University's network infrastructure with pairs of F5 products which served the function of traffic load balancing and SSL acceleration for critical services like internet access and application servers for course enrollment etc. We also supplied NAS and SAN storage servers to the client.
A wholly owned subsidiary of HK Government, being the largest one-stop professional educational portal in Hong Kong. We provided professional service in customer's data center migration project and infrastructure design, as well as assisted customer in successful application for AS number and IP address range of their own. F5 products were supplied to customer for load balancing of their internet traffic, and Tornado search engine deployed for their web site.